Sexology is the study of human sexual life and relationships and clinical sexology is a term used to describe psychosexual and relationship therapy. At CICS we take a bio-psycho-social approach to the study of clinical sexology. The CICS programme content and assessment protocols are designed to ensure that our students have comprehensive knowledge of the combined organic, socio-cultural and psychological dimensions of sexual and relationship health and wellbeing, to ensure safe and effective client treatment protocols and outcomes.

Pluralism is based on the view that no one therapeutic approach can resolve all client presentations and that different clients are likely to want, and benefit from, different interventions in therapy.

CICS psychotherapeutic theoretical orientation is pluralism. Pluralism is based on the view that no one therapeutic approach can resolve all client presentations and that different clients are likely to want, and benefit from, different interventions in therapy. Consequently, we teach a wide range of evidence based, client focussed interventions in the treatment of sexual and relationship problems, whilst maintaining the centrality of the therapeutic alliance and relational working.

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