On the Importance of Communication

All sorts of issues get in the way of effective communication.

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A Letter to Parents from a Sex and Relationship Therapist

But how should we talk to our kids about sex and relationships?

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A Letter to Neurodivergent People from a Neurodivergent Sex and Relationship Therapist

You might hear the word "neurodivergent" thrown around, but it’s not just a label - it’s a community!

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Reflections of a Sex and Relationship Teacher in a Coffee Shop: The Use of Language

Julie Sale's thoughts on language sensitivity in the therapy profession.

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A Letter to Everyone … What to say to a friend who is going sober

If you try to stop drinking you’re called boring, you’re asked to explain why, you’re actively encouraged to get back off the wagon and stop being a kill joy.

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A Letter to Gay Men – from a Gender Sexuality and Relationship Diversity therapist

This letter is addressed to gay men and is based on my work with the community over the years.

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Why choose CICS for your couple therapy training?

CICS is well known for our gender, sexuality and relationship diversity awareness and focus.

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Becoming and Being a Clinical Supervisor

CICS Director, Silva Neves, on his journey to becoming and being a Clinical Supervisor.

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Where did all the hair go?

‘I know you’re going to think I’ve lost the plot, but I decided after our last session to shave my fanny’.

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Why taking your Supervision Diploma with a Sex and Relationship Therapy school is a very good idea...

Why would you choose to study Clinical Supervision with a specialist sex and relationship therapy institute?

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The Advantages of Working with a Therapist in Training

There are many advantages to working with a therapist in training.

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A Letter to Trans Non-Binary People from Rhi Kemp-Davies, a non-binary sex therapist

This letter is addressed to people who don’t identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.

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A Letter to Women - From a Sex Therapist

This letter is addressed to people with vaginas who identify as women.

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A Letter to Men - From a Sex Therapist

Some things about sex that apply to people with penises.

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As a Sex and Relationship Therapy Trainer - What do I care about?

In a rare moment of peace and quiet, at the brink of a New Year, I am taking time to reflect on what I care about.

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A Note on Pornography

The topic of pornography is an emotive one, often bringing up binary thinking in conflicts rather than debates.

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Understanding ‘Sex Addiction’ and Sexual Compulsivity

Why the term ‘sex addiction’ is outdated and incorrect.

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New Online Psychosexual Therapy Course

Julie Sale introduces our new Online Certificate in Psychosexual Therapy

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Allowing Ourselves to Feel Proud

We have a strange relationship with the concept of pride in British culture.

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There’s no naughty list on cancelled Christmas, or is there?

Most of us have been socialised to receive ‘treats’ when we’re feeling down.

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Christmas, a time of joy…and betrayal

Christmas is for family connection, joyous festivities, and a break from our busy working lives.

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From Anxiety to Depression – Mental Health in the Coronavirus Pandemic

The risk of depression is very much a reality and, if we don’t respond quickly enough, despair and anger will also abound.

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Summarising the Sex and Porn Addiction Debate

It would be safe to say that the concepts of sex and porn addiction are controversial in the field of sexology.

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Can Using A Sex Toy Really Improve your Sexual Health?

Samantha Evans from Jo Divine asks if sex toys can improve sexual health.

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Domestic Violence and Abuse in the COVID-19 Lockdown

What actually counts as domestic violence and abuse? What can I do about it?

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The Government Banned Broccoli!

My dreams are insane at the moment. Last night I dreamt that the Government banned broccoli due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Our Cheese Has Moved!

‘When you see that you can find and enjoy new cheese, you change course’

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10 Reasons You and Your Clients Need To Know About ‘The Wheel of Consent’

Move beyond the surface level concept of consent being a clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

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Are you an Accidental Conversion Therapist?

None of us want to be very well-intentioned, accidental conversion therapists.

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Vaginismus Awareness Day - 15th September

Vaginismus is caused by a wide range of biological, psychological and social factors.

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Understanding compulsive sexual behaviours

My aim in writing this blog is to bring some clarity on the diagnosis of compulsive sexual behaviour disorder.

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'I had no idea that talking could fix my erection problems'

Andy talks about his referral to a sex & relationship therapy service.

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The Shadow Side of Giving and Receiving Gifts at Christmas

As Christmas approaches I have been reflecting on one of its central aspects – giving and receiving gifts.

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‘She Was Just So Beautiful!’

'She was just so beautiful!’ my client declares, more to herself than to me.

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A Day in The Life of a Sex Therapist

People are always curious and perhaps a little unsettled when I tell them that I am a sex therapist.

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Why CICS? Because...

“You study what?” This was the response from family in friends when I told them I was investigating programs of study as a Sexologist.

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Reflections of a Sex Therapist - Taking Issue With ‘Sexless Marriages’

I take issue with the very definition of a ‘sexless marriage’, both the ‘sexless’ and the ‘marriage’ parts.

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Reflections of a Sex Therapist in a Coffee Shop

I’m sitting here in my local coffee shop refining and developing materials for the CICS Diploma in Clinical Sexology, in anticipation of our next module.

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Happy to be called ‘she’

This is an issue that has come to prominence for me as I prepare my teaching module on Gender Diversity for the Cambridge Institute of Clinical Sexology.

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'I would rather not see a man..'

Kirstie McEwan, CICS Lead Tutor on Gender Diversity, reflects on why a therapist's gender seems to matter to clients.

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World Mental Health Day - First Aid for Relationships

In response to this year's World Mental Health Day theme, CICS Course Director, Julie Sale, writes on First Aid for Relationships.

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On Becoming a Sex and Relationship Therapist

Infertility was something that I had personally experienced so I fully understood the agony of desperately wanting a child and not being able to conceive.

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